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competitive research

The process of narrowing the competition by discovering their strengths and weaknesses and discovering which audience(s) your competition is or is not serving well.
↑A/B testing ↑Abandonment-Rate ↑Above The Fold ↑Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) ↑account ↑acquisition ↑action plan ↑Actions ↑active client ↑Active media ↑activity rate by channel ↑ad ↑Ad Auction ↑Ad blockers ↑ad click ↑Ad Exchange ↑ad extension (Google Ads) ↑Ad Extensions ↑Ad formats ↑Ad Groups ↑ad impression ↑ad impression arrival ↑ad network ↑Ad Platform ↑Ad Rank ↑Ad saturation ↑Ad Scheduling ↑ad space ↑ad unique user ↑ad unit ↑Adaptive Web Design ↑Adobe Analytics ↑AdRoll ↑Ads Manager ↑advertiser ↑Advertising tag line ↑Advocates ↑affiliate marketing ↑affiliate publisher ↑Affinity audience ↑Affinity content ↑Aggregated curation ↑aggregated posting ↑Ahrefs (tool) ↑Algorithms ↑Alphabet ↑alt text ↑analytics ↑analytics tool ↑anchor text ↑Annotations ↑API (Application Programming Interface) ↑app ↑app monetization ↑App Store Optimization (ASO): ↑attribution ↑Auction buy ↑audience attitude ↑audience behavior ↑Audience engagement ↑Audience Insights ↑audience levels of understanding ↑Audience listening ↑Audience reach ↑audience research ↑Audience segments ↑Audience targeting ↑Audiences ↑Automatic bid ↑Automation ↑average deal size by lead source ↑average order value (AOV) ↑average position ↑average visit duration ↑Awareness ↑B2B content ↑B2C content ↑Backlink ↑banner ad ↑Barriers to entry ↑Behavioral analytics ↑Behavioral data ↑behind the scenes (BTS) ↑benchmarking ↑BERT ↑best case ↑bid ↑Bid auction ↑Bid Modifiers ↑Bing ↑Bing Webmaster Tools ↑black hat SEO ↑Blocking ↑blog ↑blogging ↑Board ↑Body content ↑boolean search ↑bottom of funnel (BOFU) ↑bottom of the funnel customers ↑bounce rate (BR) ↑Brand ↑Brand advocates ↑brand affinity ↑brand ambassador ↑Brand awareness ↑Brand channels ↑Brand content ↑Brand engagement ↑Brand identity ↑Brand personality ↑Brand Positioning ↑Brand purpose ↑Brand sentiment ↑Brand story ↑Brand storytelling ↑Brand values ↑Brand visibility ↑Breadcrumb ↑Broad Match ↑Broadcast ↑Budget ↑Budget, Authority, Need and Timeframe (BANT) criteria ↑Bumper ad ↑Business goals ↑Business Listing ↑Business objectives ↑business-to-business (B2B) ↑business-to-consumer (B2C) ↑business value proposition (BVP) ↑buyer persona ↑buyer's journey ↑Buying cycle ↑buying signal ↑calendar sharing ↑Call Ads ↑call to action (CTA) ↑Call Tracking Number (CTN): ↑campaign ↑campaign and ad groups ↑CAN-SPAM Act ↑Canonical ↑canvas application ↑Carousel ↑carousel ad ↑cart abandonment email ↑cascading style sheets (CSS) ↑Case studies ↑CASL ↑catalog (facebook) ↑CCPA ↑channel ↑Chatbot ↑Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ↑Chief Information Officer (CIO) ↑Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) ↑Chief Operating Officer (COO) ↑Chief Security Officer (CSO) ↑Chief Technology Officer (CTO) ↑Chronological curation ↑churn rate ↑click ↑Click Share ↑click-to-call ↑clickthrough rate (CTR) ↑client lifecycle ↑Cloaking ↑close plan ↑commit ↑Communication style ↑community density ↑Community management ↑community of interest ↑Company page ↑Company Page Analytics ↑Competitive insights ↑competitive landscape ↑competitive research ↑Competitor analysis ↑Competitor monitoring ↑completed download ↑connection ↑Consideration ↑Consumer Barometer ↑Consumer insights ↑Container Tag ↑Content ↑Content audit ↑content calendar ↑Content creation ↑content curation ↑Content discovery ↑content distribution ↑Content exclusions ↑content management ↑Content Management System (CMS) ↑content marketing ↑content optimization system (COS) ↑Content personalization ↑Content repurposing ↑content seeding ↑content strategy ↑Content targeting ↑conversion ↑Conversion metrics ↑Conversion objective ↑conversion rate ↑conversion rate optimization (CRO) ↑conversion tracking ↑cookie ↑Cookie and privacy policy ↑Cookie tracking ↑COPE ↑Core Web Vitals ↑cost per acquisition (CPA) ↑cost per action (CPA) ↑cost per click (CPC) ↑cost per conversion (CPC) ↑cost per download (CPD) ↑cost per engagement (CPE) ↑cost per lead (CPL) ↑cost per mille (CPM) ↑cost per view (CPV) ↑Crawler ↑Crawling ↑Creative brief ↑Creative strategy ↑Creator Marketplace ↑Criteo ↑CRM dashboard ↑cross-linking ↑Cross-posting ↑crossing the chasm ↑cultural trend research ↑customer acquisition cost (CAC) ↑customer detail ↑Customer engagements ↑Customer experience ↑Customer Journey ↑customer lifetime value (CLV or CLTV) ↑customer persona ↑customer relationship management (CRM) ↑Customer testimonials ↑Dashboards ↑Data ↑dayparting ↑Deadlines ↑deal review ↑Defined audience targeting ↑Delivery rate ↑demand waterfall ↑Demographics ↑Description ↑Desk research ↑Devices ↑Digital Advertising ↑Digital Advertising Audit ↑Digital audit ↑digital brand management ↑digital channels ↑digital crisis management ↑digital cross-selling ↑Digital data ↑digital display advertising ↑digital engagement ↑Digital formats ↑Digital insights ↑Digital marketing ↑digital marketing plan ↑Digital media ↑Digital messaging ↑digital research ↑digital sales forecasting ↑digital sales leadership ↑digital sales messaging ↑digital sales strategy ↑digital selling ↑Digital strategy ↑digital territory analysis ↑digital upselling ↑Dimensions ↑direct mail or message (DM) ↑direct marketing ↑Direct traffic ↑Discovery ↑Display Ads ↑Display Network ↑Display partner ↑Disruptive app ↑Distilled curation ↑DMP (Data Management Platform) ↑Domain Authority/Domain Rating ↑Domain Name ↑domain name system (DNS) ↑Double opt-in ↑Drive product recall ↑DSP (Demand-Side Platform) ↑Dual screening ↑Duplicate Content ↑dwell time ↑Dynamic ads ↑dynamic content ↑E-A-T, Expertise, Authoritativeness, & Trustworthiness ↑Earned media ↑ecommerce revenue ↑ecommerce transactions ↑Email and automation marketing ↑Email deliverability ↑Email Filtering ↑email marketing ↑email service provider (ESP) ↑Email subscriptions ↑Emotional intelligence ↑Emotional response ↑employee advocacy ↑empowered customers ↑enablement ↑engagement ↑Engagement metrics ↑engagement rate ↑entry page ↑Ephemeral content ↑ESP ↑Event ↑Event posts ↑event tracking ↑evergreen content ↑Exact Match ↑executive profile ↑executive sponsor ↑exit page ↑expanded text ad (ETA) ↑Expertise, Authority, Trust (E-A-T) ↑explicit lead scoring metric ↑Facebook ↑Facebook ads ↑Facebook Business Manager ↑Facebook carousel ↑Facebook Creative Hub ↑Facebook Creator Studio ↑Facebook Event ↑Facebook Live ↑Facebook Messenger ↑Facebook pages ↑Facebook pixel ↑Facebook profile ↑Facebook Watch ↑feature creep ↑Featured Snippet ↑file transfer protocol (FTP) ↑filter ↑First-Party Data ↑first response time ↑Flash impressions ↑Follower ↑Follower growth ↑followers ↑forecast ↑forum ↑404-error ↑Framework ↑Frequency ↑Friction points ↑friends ↑funnels ↑Gantt chart ↑GDPR ↑Geo-tagging ↑Geo-Targeting ↑geofencing ↑geographic analytics ↑geographical IP analysis ↑Goals ↑Google ↑Google Ads ↑Google Ads Reach Planner ↑Google Adsense ↑Google Alerts ↑Google Analytics 4 (GA4) ↑Google Analytics (GA) ↑Google Display Network ↑Google Hummingbird ↑Google Keyword Planner ↑Google Merchant Center ↑Google My Business ↑Google Performance Planner ↑Google Search Console ↑Google Tag Assist ↑Google Tag Manager (GTM) ↑Googlebot ↑Group boards ↑Group experience ↑GROW ↑Handle ↑Hard bounce ↑hashtag ↑Hashtag integration ↑Headers ↑Headings ↑heat map ↑Hero image ↑Highlights ↑Hits ↑Homepage ↑HostName ↑Hreflang ↑htaccess ↑Https ↑Hummingbird ↑Hyperlink ↑hypertext markup language 5 (HTML5) ↑hypertext markup language (HTML) ↑Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) ↑implicit lead scoring metric ↑impression ↑Impression Share ↑Impression To Conversion Rate (Imp Cvr) ↑Impressions ↑in-app ad ↑In-market audiences ↑inactive client ↑inbound link ↑inbound marketing ↑Inbound strategy ↑index ↑indexed page ↑Indexing ↑Individual experience ↑industry influencers ↑industry trend research ↑influenced customers ↑influencers ↑Infographics ↑Information architecture (IA) ↑Informational keyword ↑Initiate (DMI) principle ↑InMail ↑insights tool ↑Instagram ↑Instagram feed ↑Instagram live ↑Instant Experience ↑instant message ↑Instream pre-rolls ↑Integrate (DMI) principle ↑integrated marketing communication (IMC) ↑Interest ↑Internal Link ↑internet protocol address (IP address) ↑interstitial ad ↑inventory ↑IP tracking ↑Iterate (DMI) principle ↑JavaScript ↑key performance indicator (KPI) ↑key phrase ↑keyword ↑keyword cannibalization ↑keyword density ↑keyword research ↑keyword spam ↑keyword stuffing ↑knowledge graph ↑Knowledge Panel ↑landing page ↑Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) ↑Lead ↑lead builder ↑Lead generation ↑Lead magnet ↑lead nurturing ↑lead nurturing funnel ↑lead response time ↑lead scoring ↑Like ↑link building ↑Link clicks ↑Link Juice ↑link popularity ↑Link posts ↑LinkedIn connection ↑LinkedIn group ↑LinkedIn Sales Navigator ↑listening ↑Local Search ↑Local SEO ↑Local Service Ads ↑location-based advertising ↑Location targeting ↑Long-tail keywords ↑Lookalike Audience ↑lost client ↑LTV Or Lifetime Value ↑machine learning ↑mail merge ↑Mailchimp ↑Market gaps ↑Market Research ↑Market share ↑Market trends ↑Marketing-360 ↑marketing automation ↑marketing automation workflow ↑marketing qualified lead (MQL) ↑Mashup curation ↑Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs ↑Match Type ↑Maximum bids ↑Measurable ↑measurement ↑media brief ↑Media strategy ↑Medium report ↑Meme ↑Mention ↑Messaging ↑Meta description tag ↑metatag ↑Methodology ↑Metrics ↑metrics management ↑Mid position unit (MPU) ↑middle of the funnel customer ↑Milestones ↑Mindmap ↑mobile ad server ↑Mobile banner ↑Mobile First Indexing ↑mobile-friendly ↑Mobile-friendly website ↑mobile marketing ↑Mobilegeddon ↑MOFU ↑Monitoring tools ↑Moz ↑multi-threading ↑multimedia message (MMS) ↑Mute words ↑narrowing statement ↑native ads ↑Native AdvertisIng ↑Native scheduling ↑natural search results ↑Navigational keyword ↑near-field communication (NFC) ↑Negative keywords ↑Negative match types ↑netiquette ↑network ↑Percentage (%) new visits ↑Newsfeed ↑nofollow ↑nurture stream ↑nurturing prospects ↑Objective ↑Off-page optimization ↑off-ramp ↑Offer posts ↑omni channel marketing ↑on-boarding client ↑On-page optimization ↑One-to-many ↑One-to-one ↑Online display ↑Online survey platforms ↑onlyness ↑open opportunity rate ↑Open rate ↑opportunities ↑opportunity by lead source ↑opportunity methodologies ↑Optimization Score ↑Organic Listing ↑Organic search ↑Organic traffic ↑Organically ↑organizational flow ↑organizational maturity ↑outbound marketing ↑Outdoor ↑outreach ↑Overarching strategy ↑Overlapping ↑Owned media ↑Owned research ↑page application ↑Page Authority/URL Rating ↑Page Experience Signals ↑Page heading ↑page impression ↑Page Speed ↑Page title ↑page views ↑page views (PV) ↑PageRank ↑pages per visit ↑Paid Ads ↑Paid media ↑paid search ↑Pareto Principle ↑Passive audience ↑Path ↑pay per click (PPC) ↑Payment gateway ↑peer-to-peer (P2P) ↑percentage of new visits ↑Periscope ↑permission-based marketing ↑personal brand ↑Personal channels ↑Personalization ↑Personally identifiable information (PII) ↑Phone-Through Rate (PTR) ↑Photo posts ↑Pin ↑Pin it ↑Pinterest browser button ↑pipeline ↑Pixel ↑Placement targeting ↑plan of action ↑platform ↑Point of contact ↑PointDrive ↑political mapping ↑Porter's Five Forces ↑Position Zero ↑Positioning ↑Posting calendar ↑Predictive analysis ↑predictive analytics ↑Premium account ↑Premium buy ↑Premium network buy ↑Primary channels ↑Primary data ↑Primary focus ↑Print ↑PRISM funnel ↑Pristine Spam trap ↑Processes ↑Product development ↑Programmatic advertising ↑programmatic display ↑Progressive Web Apps ↑Project brief ↑Project manager ↑Promoted pins ↑propensity model ↑psychographics ↑Qualified visitor ↑quality metrics ↑Quality Rater Guidelines ↑quality score ↑Quote tweet ↑RankBrain ↑Ranking ↑Ranking Factors ↑Reach ↑real-time bidding ↑Really Simple Syndication (RSS) ↑Recall ↑reciprocal link ↑Recycled Spam trap ↑Redirect ↑referral ↑Referral traffic ↑Refinement ↑remarketing ↑remnant inventory ↑reports ↑Reposts ↑repurpose ↑Resource map ↑Resource planning ↑Responsive Web Design ↑Responsive website ↑Retention stage ↑return on investment (ROI) ↑return on marketing investment (ROMI) ↑Retweet ↑revenue by lead source ↑RFM analysis ↑rich media ↑Rich Pin ↑Rich Results ↑Rich snippets ↑ROAS or Return on Ad Spend ↑robots.txt ↑RTB (Real-Time Bidding) ↑sales accepted lead (SAL) ↑sales enablement ↑sales funnel ↑sales method ↑sales qualified lead (SQL) ↑scheduling ↑Schema Markup ↑Search ↑Search and Explore ↑search engine advertising (SEA) ↑Search Engine Algorithm ↑search engine index ↑search engine marketing (SEM) ↑search engine optimization (SEO) ↑search engine results page (SERP) ↑Search engines ↑Search Intent ↑search query ↑Second Price Auction ↑Secondary data ↑segmentation ↑SEMrush ↑sentiment analysis ↑SEO Audit ↑Session Duration ↑Sessions ↑share of wallet (SOW) ↑Shares ↑Shopify ↑shopping ads ↑short message service (SMS) ↑Short-tail keywords ↑showcase ads (Google Ads) ↑Similar Audiences ↑Single opt-in ↑site map ↑site speed ↑Site traffic ↑situation analysis ↑Skyscraper ↑SlideShare ↑Slideshow ↑Slug ↑slumped contacts ↑Smart campaign ↑SMART goals ↑smartphone ↑Snapchat ↑social account management (SAM) ↑social account management tools ↑social account plan ↑Social assets ↑social bookmark ↑Social channels ↑social collaboration ↑social content ↑social CRM ↑Social engagement ↑social intelligence ↑Social links ↑social listening ↑social media ↑Social media community ↑Social media conversations ↑social media marketing ↑social media marketing (SMM) ↑Social Media Optimization (SMO) ↑Social media tracking ↑social monitoring ↑social network ↑social selling ↑social selling index (SSI) ↑Social sharing ↑Socio-economic data ↑Soft bounce ↑Software as a Service (SaaS) ↑Source ↑Source report ↑spam ↑Spam complaint ↑Sponsored content ↑SSL Certificate ↑Stakeholder ↑Story ↑storyboarding ↑strategic statement ↑strategic writing ↑strategy ↑Structured Data ↑style guide ↑Subscribe ↑Subscribed audience ↑sweet spot ↑SWOT analysis ↑tactics ↑Tag ↑Tangible assets ↑Target bids ↑target persona ↑targeting ↑TBT ↑team link ↑technical SEO ↑territory ↑Testing ↑text link ↑The Snorkel/Scuba Method ↑Third-Party Data ↑Third-party data analysis ↑Thumbnail ↑TikTok ↑Time management ↑Timeline ↑Timelines ↑TIMITI ↑Title tag ↑Title Tags ↑TOFU ↑Tone of voice ↑Topic targeting ↑Topical content ↑Topics ↑total order value (TOV) ↑touchpoint ↑tracking ↑tracking pixel ↑Traditional marketing ↑Traffic ↑Traffic spikes ↑Trans-Time Mapping ↑Transactional keyword ↑Trend ↑tribe ↑trigger event ↑TrueView for Shopping ↑TrueView In-stream ↑TrueView Video Discovery ↑TrueView (YouTube) ↑Trust signals ↑tweet ↑Twitter ↑Twitter card ↑Twitter Moments ↑Twitter trend ↑Typo Spam trap ↑uniform resource locator (URL) ↑unique selling point (USP) ↑unique user ↑unique user duration ↑unique visitor (UV) ↑unique visitors ↑Universal Analytics ↑Universal App Campaign ↑Unsubscribe rate ↑uplift modelling ↑upselling ↑URL ↑URL Parameter ↑UsabilIty Testing ↑user experience (UX) ↑user-generated content (UGC) ↑User intent ↑User interface (UI) ↑User journey ↑user satisfaction ↑Username ↑USP ↑UTM ↑Valuable actions ↑vanity metrics ↑Version Control ↑Video aspect ratio ↑video interstitial ↑video on demand (VOD) ↑Video posts ↑Video thumbnail ↑View-Through Conversion ↑View-Through Conversion Window ↑Viewable cost per thousand impressions (VCPM) ↑Viral ↑Viral content ↑virality ↑virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) ↑visit ↑Visual display banner ↑Vlog ↑Voice Search ↑warm introduction ↑Webinar ↑Website optimization ↑What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) ↑white hat SEO ↑White paper ↑Whitelisting ↑Wide Skyscraper ↑WireFrame ↑word of mouth (WOM) ↑work in progress (WIP) ↑XML product feed ↑XML sitemap ↑Yahoo ↑YMYL ↑Yoast ↑YouTube ↑YouTube cards ↑YouTube channel ↑YouTube Masthead ↑zero moment of truth (ZMOT)